Welcome – أهلا وسهلا بكم

A Little Bit About This Blog and Myself – شيء يسيرعن الموقع وصاحبه

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ، أما بعـد؛

All forms of praise and gratitude are due solely to Allāh, and may the Salutations and Peace of Allah be upon His Messenger, his Family and Companions.

As for what follows:

فالسلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته

As-Salām ‘alaikum wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuhu.

My name is Abul-Layth Ziyad Saleem Qureshi, I was a student in the Islamic University of Madīnah, I studied in the Faculty of Ḥadīth (Prophetic Tradition) and Islāmic Studies and have been studying Islam since 2006 – walḥamdulillāh.

I have had the immense honor and privilege to study under many of the great Scholars of Islam in Madīnah, from different parts of the world.

From them: Al-Imām Al-Muḥaddith Al-‘Allāmah Ash-Shaykh Abū Muḥammad Rabī’ ibn Hādī ‘Umayr Al-Madkhalī, Al-‘Allāmah Ash-Shaykh ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Abdillāh Al-Jābirī, Al-‘Allāmah Ash-Shaykh Abū Usāmah ‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Abdir-Rahīm ibn Ḥusayn Al-Bukhārī, Ash-Shaykh ‘Abdur-Raḥman ibn ‘Auwf Kūnī – may Allāh preserve them all, āmīn – among others.

This blog is where I intend to share benefits I come across in my readings, the classes I attended with ‘Ulemā, my University studies or any other materials that I translate from the Scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamā’ah.

My Da’wah and call is that of Ad-Da’watus-Salafiyyah the Qur’ān and the Sunnah upon the understanding of our Salaf – the first three generations of this Ummah and then those who followed them in sincerity and truth.

If you see a mistake from me, in translating or any material, please feel free to contact and correct me.

Please feel free to re-post what is on my blog, unless specifically stated otherwise. My only humble request is that it is done so with all the Islamic requirements of transmitting knowledge fulfilled, that you fear Allah whilst doing so and that you link back the post to my blog.

جزاكم الله خيرا وبارك فيكم

May Allāh reward you all with good and bless all of you.

أسأل الله أن يرزقني وإياكم الإخلاص في القول والعمل ، آمين

I ask Allah that He blesses me and you with sincerity in speech and endeavors, āmīn.

وبالله التوفيق

And with Allāh rests all success.

أخوكم في الله

أبو الليث زياد بن سليم قرشي

المدينة النبوية بمملكة العربية السعودية، 11 من شهر شعبان سنة 1438 ھ.

Your brother in Isl̄am,

Abul-Layth Ziyad ibn Saleem Qureshi

Al-Madīnah An-Nabawiyyah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Sha’ban 11, 1438 H. – corresponding to Sunday, May 7, 2017.

10 thoughts on “Welcome – أهلا وسهلا بكم”

  1. Assalamualaikum.
    I saw your oriental calligraphy ‘Mahabbah’. Do you mind if I use it as a gift for a loved ones? (not for commercial use). BarakAllahufeek.

  2. As salaamu alayka ya akhi Abul-Layth. I think you should make changes to your blog with regards to whom you studied with. More specifically, I would remove the mention of Muhammad ibn Hadi al-Madkhali.

    1. Wa alaikum as-Salām wa Rahmatullāhi wa Barakātuhu. Yes, you are right. I though I had done so, but apparently not. In regards to the fitnah Muḥammad ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī هدانا الله وإياه then my position is that of the Major Scholars who are aware and were involved in trying to rectify the situation; Al-‘Allāmah Al-Imām Rabī’ibn Hādī Al-Madkhalī, Al-‘Allāmah ‘Ubayd ibn ‘Abdillāh Al-Jābirī, Al-‘Allāmah Ḥasan ibn ‘Abdil-Wahhāb Marzūq Al-Bannā and Al-‘Allāmah ‘Abdullāh ibn’Abdir-Raḥīm Al-Bukhārī, and the countless others who were patient and giving sincere advice and clarification of the Truth.

      BārakaAllāhu fīkum for bringing this to my attention.

    1. Wa ‘alaikum as-Salām wa Raḥmatullāhi wa Barakātuhu akhī Al-Karīm, bārakaAllāhu fīkum. When Al-‘Allāmah Rabī’ حفظه الله moved back to Madīnah in 2014 or 2015, he first began teaching privately. He was teaching the Ṣaḥīḥ of Imām Muslim. He then opened the classes to the public and was teaching from his basement/library in his home. He then moved the class to Al-Jāmi’ Ridhwān where Ash-Shaykh ‘Abdullāh Al-Bukhārī حفظه الله read to him. We completed until the Book of Īmān with Al-‘Allāmah Rabī’, but then the classes were put on hold for the summer. Thereafter, Al-‘Allāmah Rabī’ did not return to teaching, publicly at least. WaAllāhul-Musta’ān. But, we are thankful to have had the limited time that we had in benefit with the Shaykh. BārakaAllāhu fīkum wa jazākumAllāhu khayran.

  3. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
    From your social media it gives the impression you attend troid. You live close to troid but are never seen there. From the main principles of salafiyah is being around the salafis in your community. So why is this ? May Allah guide us to that which is correct.

    1. وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته أخي الكريم،

      JazākaAllāhu khayran for your comment & question.

      May Allāh bless and preserve you and your family – āmīn.

      Yes, I am with TROID, they are my Salafī brothers and are known for their dissemination and propagation of Tawḥīd and the Sunnah of our Beloved ﷺ and the following of the Salafuṣ-Ṣāliḥ in Creed and Methodology.

      As for the reasons why I am not regularly there, then there are many. I only recently moved closer to where they are. Only to be bambarded with a litany of family trials and tribulations which had kept me occupied beyond reason.

      I hope and pray that Allāh grants us all ease in your affairs and that he allows myself and the Muslims to attend this Salafī centre and Masjid and benefit from it – āmīn.

      It is where I learned Salafiyyah almost 18 years ago, walhamdulillāh. And, so long as they remain upon that Manhaj (may Allāh preserve them, āmīn), I will defend them and their honour, bi’idhnillāhi ta’āla.

      Please remember myself and my family in your du’ās.

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